
This module provides the HeadlessMode enum and startChrome procedure. startChrome will find the path to chrome executable on the system and launch a new Chrome browser instance.


HeadlessMode {.pure.} = enum
  On = " --headless=new", Off = "", Legacy = " --headless"
Headless mode options for Chrome.


proc startChrome(portNo: int; userDataDir: string; headless: HeadlessMode;
                 chromeArguments: seq[string]): tuple[chrome: Process,
    cdpEndPoint: string] {....raises: [BrowserError, OSError, IOError, ProcessError], tags: [
    ReadDirEffect, ExecIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, RootEffect, ReadEnvEffect,
    WriteIOEffect], forbids: [].}

Launches a new Chrome browser instance.

Returns a tuple containing the chrome process (Process) and the CDP endpoint (string).