This module provides a direct mapping of CDP events and commands for v1.3 (stable) of the Emulation Domain.
This domain emulates different environments for the page.
proc clearDeviceMetricsOverride(tab: Tab): owned(Future[void]) {. ...stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Clears the overriden device metrics.
proc clearGeolocationOverride(tab: Tab): owned(Future[void]) {. ...stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Clears the overriden Geolocation Position and Error.
proc clearIdleOverride(tab: Tab): owned(Future[void]) {....stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Clears Idle state overrides.
proc setCPUThrottlingRate(tab: Tab; rate: int | float): owned(Future[void]) {. ...stackTrace: false.}
Enables CPU throttling to emulate slow CPUs.
proc setDefaultBackgroundColorOverride(tab: Tab; color: JsonNode): owned( Future[void]) {....stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Sets or clears an override of the default background color of the frame. This override is used if the content does not specify one.
proc setDeviceMetricsOverride(tab: Tab; width, heigh: int; deviceScaleFactor: float | int; mobile: bool): owned( Future[void]) {....stackTrace: false.}
proc setDeviceMetricsOverride(tab: Tab; width, height: int; deviceScaleFactor: float | int; mobile: bool; params: JsonNode): owned(Future[void]) {. ...stackTrace: false.}
Overrides the values of device screen dimensions (window.screen.width, window.screen.height, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, and "device-width"/"device-height"-related CSS media query results).
proc setEmulatedMedia(tab: Tab): owned(Future[void]) {....stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
proc setEmulatedMedia(tab: Tab; params: JsonNode): owned(Future[void]) {. ...stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Emulates the given media type or media feature for CSS media queries.
proc setEmulatedVisionDeficiency(tab: Tab; type: string): owned(Future[void]) {. ...stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Emulates the given vision deficiency.
proc setGeolocationOverride(tab: Tab): owned(Future[void]) {....stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
proc setGeolocationOverride(tab: Tab; params: JsonNode): owned(Future[void]) {. ...stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Overrides the Geolocation Position or Error. Omitting any of the parameters emulates position unavailable.
proc setIdleOverride(tab: Tab; isUserActive, isScreenUnlocked: bool): owned( Future[void]) {....stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Overrides the Idle state.
proc setScriptExecutionDisabled(tab: Tab; value: bool): owned(Future[void]) {. ...stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Switches script execution in the page.
proc setTimezoneOverride(tab: Tab; timezoneId: string): owned(Future[void]) {. ...stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Overrides default host system timezone with the specified one.
proc setTouchEmulationEnabled(tab: Tab; enabled: bool): owned(Future[void]) {. ...stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
proc setTouchEmulationEnabled(tab: Tab; enabled: bool; params: JsonNode): owned( Future[void]) {....stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Enables touch on platforms which do not support them.
proc setUserAgentOverrideEmulationDomain(tab: Tab; userAgent: string): owned( Future[void]) {....stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
proc setUserAgentOverrideEmulationDomain(tab: Tab; userAgent: string; params: JsonNode): owned(Future[void]) {....stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect, TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Allows overriding user agent with the given string. Allows overriding user agent with the given string. userAgentMetadata must be set for Client Hint headers to be sent.